Mrs White’s Carpet Care - All natural Carpet Shampoo
People Pet & Planet Friendly
Use in carpet cleaning machines or for spot cleaning
Safe, Non-Toxic, Effective
Leaves A Clean, Fresh Smelling Carpet
Instructions - Always patch test first on carpet or upholstery with small amount of diluted solution. Apply then blot off with white cloth to check transfer. If transfer occurs, this means your carpet or upholstery is not colour fast and a carpet shampoo should not be used. For spot cleaning, mix 1 part shampoo to 5 part warm water. For machine cleaning, spot test as above. Vacuum surface thoroughly to ensure all loose dirt is gone. Clean carpet or upholstery as per your machines instructions. Allow to dry thoroughly before opening room for normal use.
Ingredients - De-ionised Water, Sugar Beet Surfactant, Coconut Surfactant, Sodium Sensquicarbonate, Aloe Vera, Glycoside, Sodium Carbonate, Citric, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Xanthum Gum, Lavender, Lavandin, Citronella & Sage Essential Oils.